​​Guest Blog - Jan Domagala

​Guest Blogs    |     The Hollow Man Series, International Espionage

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The idea of being a writer was interesting to me. Being an introvert, the idea of being able to walk into a book shop and see the books I’d written displayed proudly on shelves and being able to walk through completely anonymous was more than appealing, it was something I eventually strove towards.

I wrote my first book and self published it and sat back thinking about all the wonderful things I would be able to do with all that money that would soon come rolling in. Foolish, maybe, niave definitely.

The publishing industry has changed over the last decade or two. To write a book was something the elite did and the few who got a deal to publish were regarded with reverence as it was something only a few people could do. It became a hierarchy, the elite in the society of academia. Publishers would fight over manuscripts wanting to be the one to publish. This still happens but are few and far between.

Publishers used to give out huge advances on books they knew would sell and then put all their might behind marketing the work to ensure it sold. They would promote book tours, book signings, interviews on both tv and radio, alas those days are long gone.

Nowadays with the advent of self publishing, anyone can write a book. It has given talented writers the opportunity to get their work published, those who do not have the luck or connections to get a book deal with the big companies but it has also opened the door to a lot of terrible books, that’s another story for another day.

For two decades I’ve battled to get my work published, I’ve self published over 17 books, and had four book deals with three different publishers. During that time, I’ve had my hopes continually dashed, seen my hopes wither away to the point where I wonder why I even bother. I love writing, I just want to write, to tell a good story that with enthrall the reader, to give the reader some measure of the fun I had writing the work. The first part was easy, writing came naturally to me but the second part, actually getting the work in the hands of readers, is difficult in the extreme. Now some might argue that they have had no trouble in this regard, that they earn a handsome living from their work and I say, good for them. I am genuinely pleased for them and harbour no jealousy whatsoever. Why is that, it’s simple, I’m pretty certain I know where I went wrong. I’m an introvert, the thought of pushing myself to sell, to self promote is a trigger for my anxiety. I know I have to do it if I want any kind of success but I also know the effect it would have on me if I tried.

If I could get someone to handle my social media, organise any book tours, signings, increase my sales, organise any appearances, all the things publishers used to do before they realised they could save a ton of money by getting the author to do it for themselves, that would be fantastic. In a way social media has ruined this part of the industry for people like me but opened so many doors for others who like nothing more than to tell people what a great life they have.

When I started, so many years ago, all I wanted to do was write. I wish I could say the same today.

More Blogs by Jan Domagala can be found at https://jandomagalawriter.com 

Jan's latest three book series republished by Rough Edges PressLink can be found at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZT3Y2QV