LIVING ON THE EDGE by Trilby Johnson
Living on the edge, is a term that holds within its implicit definition (at least for the context of this blog) a hint of danger, excitement, difference, exclusion, eccentricity, being out of control, tending to lean towards something unsavoury for many and with a risk of losing balance. Sailors of old, lived with the superstition that if they reached the horizon, they would fall off the edge of the Earth, as the current belief was that the Earth was flat.
Few dared venture to the edge, for fear of falling off. So sailing was probably a very limited experience initially. Until that time, when somehow some daring and curious sailor headed for the horizon and found that on reaching the horizon, another horizon magically appeared ahead and unfolded into untold greater possibilities and experiences.
There are many such horizons in our everyday societies, dependent on our cultural, gender and financial standing, and that are still embedded in a kind of superstitious and hypnotic ‘logic’. In our Western society, success is closely and primarily linked to finances and many idioms have been created over time to reinforce these beliefs. Monetary power rules the world and humans scramble around in a seemingly difficult and losing battle to fit in.
Money has been held responsible for so much in this world and as long as humans continue to think about money in this way, to hold the beliefs they do about what money is or isn’t, well like those sailors of old, most of us will not ever get very much past the harbour before turning back, in fear of falling off or failing. And so, most people are not curious or intrepid enough to actually head for the horizon and actually discover the world the lies beyond. Concepts, definitions, standards and judgements are used to keep everything in a place of separation and thus mass disempowerment.
Few people live on the edge, and if they do, society and the medical professions, have very powerful structures in place to deter any further exploration. We have not been given the tools or shown how to live on the edge in a healthy and empowering way, because we would then be uncontrollable.
In the movie, “The Truman Show” starring Jim Carrey, the manipulation within our current society structure an which most of us think of as reality, is highlighted very clearly. There is no man who is more a prisoner than the man who believes he is free and happy, but lives within a prison. What one believes is what one will see and experience. This does not mean that what one is experiencing is essentially TRUE however! So how does one know whether one is being manipulated?
In ‘The Truman Show’ movie, the manipulation becomes clearer when the character begins to choose something that goes against the stream, that is different and that departs from the illusion of the ‘norm’. The point here is not to imply that one is right or wrong, good or bad, black or white. It is not about judging manipulation as something good or bad, but rather about being aware of where manipulation is occurring, either to or by us. And then taking responsibility for what we choose to do and how we can experience living on the edge.
Living on the edge, affords a greater vantage point, where it is possible to look at what has been and to look forward to what is possible. To have this vantage point however, one must have the courage to venture to the edge of one’s comfort zone and walk up to the horizon. And yes, there can be periods when the lines are blurred and awareness seems to waiver and there are no clear points of reference. It can be an uncomfortable place and this fear of being uncomfortable is what keeps most of us, to some extent and at certain phases of our lives, immobile.
We have been mislead to believe that being comfortable means right and being uncomfortable means wrong. Our social structures and religious teachings are riddled with these paradoxes. When one lives on the edge, it is possible to see these paradoxes and the confusion they create, deliberately so. Like a deer caught in the headlights, confusion keeps many in a place of uncertainty and immobilization, which ironically can prove fatal and leaves one more vulnerable that anyone living on the edge could ever be.
When one is living on the edge, one needs to be nimble and alert, very present and conscious. Perhaps the thing most of us fear and think we lack, is trust. Trust in One ’s Self. For if we have bought into the beLIEf that trust is something one finds from success, thus linked to money or something externally, we will continue to experience living on the edge as something unsavoury, unstable and to be avoided at all costs. The power of enchantment is that it makes the illusion appear real.
The advantage of living on the edge, is that one is able to see the illusion for what it is and to choose from that cusp of reality. It takes courage to live on the edge, as pulling out of the illusion brings up feelings of separation, difference, not fitting in, failure, guilt, sadness, loss and comes face to face with one’s shadow. This happens on a continuum in different areas of one’s lives. For example, when a person seems to experience a bout of what is termed as either good or bad luck. Remember, just like those first courageous sailors of old who dared to sail to the horizon, once there they had the awareness that everything was different and continued on to unfold.
So is it possible to live on the edge comfortably and in trust? The answer depends on what you choose. Life is what you make it. And you make you Life what is it, by the choice of B.S. (Belief Systems) you have. At this point in our evolution as a race, the awareness of ourselves as Creators serves as our greatest strength and stumbling block. We stand on the cusp of different vantage points and whilst many of us are being urged on, almost against our will, we move forward cautiously into new territory, crossing the ‘horizontal’ line, yet also look back with a certain sense of longing behind us. It is a time of shaking off the old ways and standing in one’s knowing that trust is a SELF-creation. Everything is within first and then is reflected without.
I will end with a really cool analogy of what living on the edge showed up like for me. I recently moved several kilometres out of town. Only a small change in distance on the surface of things, but what has turned into quite a change in lifestyle. My car radio is programmed to various radio stations and so with this move, clear reception was affected when I reached a certain part of the road. Whilst noticing this, I didn’t think much of it and was belligerently okay with this type of reception for several days. By chance, I happened to put on a CD and erroneously pushed the wrong button on the radio. This caused my radio to automatically search for a new radio frequency. In that moment, I got it!!
Everything in the Universe is in constant motion and yes that includes us. Even though our lives may appear the same every day and in many ways most of us seek to maintain this status quo, the energy that underlies all things, is in constant motion and expansion. By geographically changing my position when moving, I had shifted my band width so to say and was now in a phase of fine-tuning.
When we change, whether this means a geographically or simply a change in thought patterns, we move into different zones of vibrational frequencies. Suddenly things, people, situations that may have been around us for a while may drop away or show up. It is important to acknowledge and allow this dynamic and honour all the emotions that this may bring up. We can only heal what we feel! Denial, repression and suppression of what we are feeling, whether it be light and fluffy or dark and dangerous, IS key.
Living on the edge is like a state of organic being which I feel honours the logistics of energy in motion. Everyday and throughout our choices, we are fine tuning into different yet similar vibration frequencies, just as we may choose to tune into different radio stations. This means being willing to let go AND to let in.
Could it be that Living on the Edge is a truer way of actual Living? And that beyond the uncomfortable, scary bits lays a limitless and expansive dimension of Being to which we are just now awakening? Well dear Reader, I leave you to explore these possibilities.
May you enjoy your experience of Living on the Edge.
In Light. Trilby
Trilby Johnson is a Breakthrough Mentor and Metaphysical Intuitive, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. Clients hire her to stop struggling and move beyond limitation. Trilby assists in creating the new energetic pathways that empowers and assists in resolving core issues.
Contact Trilby for a Breakthrough Assessment if you are ready for breakthrough beyond limitation into wisdom!
©Trilby Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Prohibited. Please share any part of this article with reference to this original blog.
Disclaimer: Any information shared here is not a substitute or replacement of any medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.
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